To add items to your Cart:
- • Click the desired item you would like to purchase and select the applicable product options, such as size, color, and quantity.
- • Click “Add To Cart.”
- • A pop-up box will appear to let you know the item was added to your Cart. On the pop-up box, you have two options:
- ○ A) The “Continue Shopping” button allows you to browse other items
- ○ B) The “Checkout” button initiates the checkout process
- • If your item qualifies for a bonus "gift with purchase," the bonus item will automatically be added to your Cart, and its value reduced from the total.
- ○ If the bonus gift with purchase is not added to your cart, then it means the bonus item has been sold out and is no longer available online.
To remove items or change quantities of items in your Cart:
- You can remove items in your Cart by clicking the “Remove” option under the item quantity.
- To change quantities in your Cart, use the dropdown in the “Quantity” box for each item.